Monthly Archives: December 2017

The John Lewis Effect and what small businesses can learn from it

The potential for emotional storytelling to create and galvanise a distinct and reliable brand identity has long been understood by marketers and advertisers. John Lewis can be seen as the epitome of this form of marketing and as such its annual Christmas brand film, the benchmark to which other businesses aspire to. Here, we look
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Michael And Teresa McCormick Achieve Triple Diamond Rank At Valentus

Keeping up with the triplets, can be a full-time job on its own, and Valentus helps the McCormicks enjoy their time with their children.
With triplets about to turn 11, Michael and Teresa McCormick can use all the extra energy they can get.  Thanks to Valentus, they can (mostly) keep up with their busy children.
Michael and Teresa were first mailed a Valentus sample in April 2016.
“When we tried the product, we knew we had something special,”
Michael says. “No doubt about it.” The couple didn’t think life could get any busier, between their business and children, but life did just that. However, they don’t regret it: “It’s a lot busier, but fun. It’s more complete,” Michael says.
Because of the freedom and flexibility Valentus provides, Michael and Teresa can travel more, make new friends and meet people. They’re even able to go to Illinois, where they grew up, for two months each summer.
“We have a lot more freedom to do what we want to do,”
Teresa says.
But it’s not all travel for the Triple Diamond couple. “In 20 years of network marketing, I’ve never seen anything like this,” Michael says. “This will be a global company.” They have daily, personal contact with new