Monthly Archives: May 2017

Five ways SMEs can dodge the threat of cyber criminals

With Gartner reporting product improvement and technology as the biggest-rising priorities for CEOs in 2017, its clear businesses of all sizes are thinking about how they can prepare for a digital tomorrow. Changing the face of all organisations as we know it, rising technologies such as cloud, IoT, AI and others are shaking up the
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More than a third of students and graduates want to start work in SMEs

Students and graduates welcome the professional and social opportunities offered by working in small teams, reports a new survey by Prospects. More than 9,000 students and graduates were asked about their work intentions over the next 12 months. Of the 63 per cent who were looking to start a new job or career, 37 per cent hope
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Injury at work? Three quarters of workers suffer in their job

It seems that office life is taking its toll on Brits, as almost three quarters of UK employees blame injury or pains on their work. The list of work-related ailments is a long one, with 43 per cent regularly complaining of eye strain, 32 per cent suffering with severe headaches, leading to a quarter of office staff visiting
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Five ways to use a small business loan

Having good access to finance can be the key to survival for many small businesses. However, banks have long offered little but lip service to small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), preferring instead to lend to large firms that have little need for it other than to opportunistically increase their market share. This SME funding gap
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