Monthly Archives: March 2017

TelexFree CEO James Merrill – Prosecutors Recommend 10 years In Prison

Organizing a Ponzi in the USA is a bad idea, Zeek Rewards CEO Paul Burks got 14 years, COO Dawn Wright Olivares 7.5 years and 2 years for CTO Daniel Olivares.
Federal prosecutors are recommending 10 years of prison time for James Merrill, the former Chief Executive of TelexFree Inc., for his role in one of the largest pyramid schemes of all time.
Merrill, of Ashland, pleaded guilty in October to multiple fraud counts for his role in the global scheme, in which nearly 1.9 million people from more than 100 countries lost $3.5 billion.
He will be sentenced in federal court in Worcester next week, while his business partner, Carlos Wanzeler, remains a fugitive in his native Brazil.
In sentencing memorandums filed Thursday, prosecutors alleged that from February 2012 to April 2014, Merrill ran


Jed Buenaluz The Youngest 200K Distributor In XANGO’s History

Jed Buenaluz is not only the youngest person to ever reach the 200K Premier rank at XANGO, he is also one of the fastest people to reach this impressive mark in the organization’s history.
With such drive and success it was only a matter of time before Jed and XANGO would team up for the growth of the organization, and that’s exactly what happened.
A partnership was formed with the objective of introducing XANGO and all its opportunities to millennial generations and beyond on a global level. 
Since its foundation 15 years ago, XANGO has been busy building a solid history in the network marketing sector, becoming an industry-wide reference in the process. XANGO is active in over 40 countries, which grants it the opportunity to attract and further develop the most talented