Monthly Archives: February 2017

UK SMEs lost £8.72 billion every year managing company expenses

UK SMEs are collectively losing over £8.72 Billion every year as a result of the time taken to complete weekly finance related tasks such as company expenses, a Soldo survey among 1,200 business reveals. The survey, conducted independently by YouGov, uncovers the extent of financial admin among employees of UK SMEs, who spend an average
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Taking steps to stamp out bribery in the workplace

The Bribery Act 2010 is the current legislation that lays out what can be considered a bribery offence. It also requires organisations to have anti-bribery measures in place. According to the Bribery Act, there are three main offences: Giving a person a bribe to have them do something improperly Requesting, accepting or receiving a bribe
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