Monthly Archives: June 2016

Rodolfo Rodriguez OneCoin Achieves $80,000 Per Month

Article is both in Spanish as English:
Rodolfo Rodríguez primer Diamante de Latinoamerica, income 80K Mensual.
Top leader in Latin America Rodolfo Rodriguez chooses OneCoin, makes a historic success in his career in 90 days.
Rodolfo Rodríguez un líder reconocido por su filosofía y capacidad como entrenador. Su historia ha inspirado a miles de personas. Ha creado líderes sin experiencia y educar es su mejor habilidad.
Después de una banca rota de su negocio tradicional de computadoras conoció el mundo de MLM en el año 2000 y se convirtió en uno de los Top líderes de MLM en Latinoamérica.
Ha logrado crear organizaciones de más de 60 mil personas y millones de dólares en ventas mensuales. Fue reconocido por ser un experto en crear organizaciones sólidas y desarrollo de líderes por varios años.  

Rodolfo Rodriguez is a leader recognized by his philosophy


Zija Natural Health Revolution Ambassador Dr. Tiffany Crutcher

Zija International recently launched their Natural Health Revolution Ambassador program. The company has been focusing on the timely importance of embracing the Natural Health Revolution—an encouragement to naturally nourish, naturally improve our performance, and naturally restore the body.
Zija chose a solid group of individuals and Distributors who truly embody the company’s Life Unlimited culture and are uplifting representations of the Natural Health Revolution.
These ambassadors, who will serve in this role for up to 1 year, have received specialized training and will be holding meetings together in pairs in various markets across the country—promoting the importance of the Natural Health Revolution.
Hear from Dr. Tiffany Crutcher in her own words on why the Natural Health Revolution is so important and how Zija International is helping her live Life Unlimited: 
“The products, hands