Monthly Archives: January 2016

Central Bank Warns About EmGoldEx

EmGoldEx has NOTHING to do with MLM or network Marketing…… however they are using it as tool to attract investors, giving our industry a bad name.
According to an article in the newspaper Curaçao Chronicle the central bank of Curaçao has put out an official warning against EmGoldEx.
In 2015 the SEC of the Philippines put out a Ponzi warning against EmGoldEx.
In 2014 the USA – Massachusetts Securities Division civilly charged four alleged promoters of EmGoldEx operating in that state.
The central bank of Curaçao:
” There is a large illegal investment company active in Curaçao. This is according to a warning emitted by the Central Bank of Curaçao and Sint Maarten.
EmGoldEx offers investments in gold, but does not have permission or authorization to do so. According to a representative of the Central Bank, they do