Monthly Archives: December 2015

Italian Direct Sales Grows 16.17% In 9 Months

Italian direct selling association AVEDISCO has announced that its member companies have generated more than 418 million Euros in sales in the first nine months of 2015. This shows a growth of 16.17% from the same period last year.
AVEDISCO believes that its members have contributed significantly towards combating the economic crisis by providing 151,265 individuals during this period with opportunities to become self-employed by becoming sales representatives of consumer products and services.
The ‘Clothing and Textiles’ segment recorded the most substantial growth compared to all other sectors with an increase of almost 30%, followed by “Food – Nutritional” that reached sales of 309 million euro, an increase of nearly 20% from the previous year. ‘Services’ and ‘Home and Durable Goods’ improved by more than 16% and 11% respectively. The positive trend continued in the