Monthly Archives: October 2015

Vemma Europe In Liquidation – Will Be Rebuilt

Vemma Europe, a joint venture based in Ierland and operated through Poland is in liquidation.
BK Boreyko, one of the owners voted against the liquidation however was outnumbered by his european partners.
According to an email to the european customers and distributors it will be rebuilt.
Bk Boreyko, CEO Vemma:
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in more communication with you during these past several weeks. With the recent challenges here in the US, the team has been focused on getting these operations restored and relaunching the US market. That work is almost complete.
Now our focus is on the European market. The decision was made to place the company into liquidation. I apologize for not being able to step in and take over operations, but the pressing challenges the US market required me to focus all