Tag Archive for Wioletta Białek

Wioletta Białek Becomes First Woman In Poland To Achieve Diamond Ambassador Rank At iGenius

Wioletta Białek is a twenty-seven-year-old from Poland. After graduating from college, Wioletta became a civil engineer. She immediately saw that her career path wasn’t what she had expected. She worked in the office eight hours a day and got paid minimum wage.
She decided to change jobs so she could work on site, but she came to the realization that it wasn’t a career that would give her the life she always hoped for. She needed something to change.
Wioletta said,
“I believe in the law of attraction. I started reading a lot about self and financial development. One day, I got a message on Instagram from a man who introduced me to iGenius. I was open minded and believed that he was the person I needed in my life who could help me develop myself and reach my goals.”
Wioletta fully committed herself to the iGenius platform. She became a student, learned as much as she could, and quickly began building a successful business sharing the iGenius opportunity with others. She said,
“Day by day I realized that I joined a powerful company with a great product. What I love about iGenius is that you can start from scratch and learn everything about investments.