Tag Archive for OmegaPro

OmegaPro Webinar With Eric Worre Attended By 20,000 People

OmegaPro Chief Strategic Coach Eric Worre’s Webinar On The Winning Mindset for Network Marketing.
The OmegaPro Super-Training Series returned to beget yet another phenomenal training session from the world’s no.1 MLM Trainer, the Father of Network Marketing & OmegaPro’s Official Strategic Coach Eric Worre – a 90-minute intensive webinar titled “Million Dollar Mindset” on the 16th of August, 2022.
More than 20,000 people congregated from all over the world.
Here is a summary from the seminar that will help anyone to tap into the depths of Network Marketing. 
Eric Worre classifies people under two categories: Employee-minded people and Entrepreneurship-minded. 
Employee-minded people 
A majority of the world’s population infelicitously dwells in this pigeonhole, dwindling to find a work-life balance. People are programmed to work. They have been educated just to follow orders. To Eric Worre, that is his quandary with conventional education. It programs people to work for a job rather than working for themselves. 
Eric says, employee-mindedness is where unlimited growth stops. It is a life of mediocrity. It is a life of constraints and restraints. An Employee-minded person always seeks constant leadership, supervision, support, help, and assistance.
Many a time, they consider work as an obligation. These people associate work with pain. They avoid


Btho Cabrera From Peru Achieves Black Diamond Rank With OmegaPro

OmegaPro is honored to announce that Mr. Btho Cabrerra from Peru has achieved the prestigious Black Diamond rank with the company.
The following is Mr. Cabrera’s statement on his accomplishment and is exclusively shared with the Business for Home audience.
Just six years ago at the age of 18, I was frustrated and had no clue as to where the direction of my life was heading. I was studying subjects I had no interest in, had no money and had no fulfilling goals or ambitions.
“I knew deep down that I could not settle for this way of life. I wanted to see me and my family financially free and enjoying life”.
I would stop at nothing until I achieved it. It just so happened to be that Network Marketing would be the vehicle to fulfilling my mission.
Btho says that he’s driven by helping other entrepreneurs and gives advice for similar success.
“Thanks to OmegaPro, I’ve fulfilled my initial dreams and continue helping and positively impacting the lives of others on a similar path.
I believe anyone with the desire, deserves to be successful. If this is you, build a mental vision of the life you want until it’s crystal clear”.


Christian David Russi Achieves Black Diamond Rank At OmegaPro

OmegaPro is pleased to announce that Christian David Russi has achieved the phenomenal rank of Black Diamond with the company. David has shared a statement on his accomplishment exclusively with Business for Home.
“I was introduced to the Network Marketing industry at only 17 years old and I truthfully had little to no understanding of the absolute power that one could achieve. Thus began my entrepreneurial career, building a business in the 21st century.
I encountered all the obstacles one would expect, plus all those you wouldn’t.
It was a path of all the growth I needed, which brings me to where I’m at today at the age of 30, celebrating Black Diamond with OmegaPro and the countless people sharing this journey together.”
Christian shares the deep gratitude he feels for those who have touched him on his path toward ultimate success.
“Finding Omegapro was the opportunity of my life, and I thank God for it. I’ve given 10 years of my life to Network Marketing, mostly with little results but now the promise I initially gave myself of full time freedom and the financial abundance to go along with it.
My deepest thanks goes to all those in the company who have


Ximena Lozano From Colombia Achieves Black Diamond Rank At OmegaPro

Ximena Lozano stated upon her achievement :
“My greatest motivation is in sharing a financial system that fairly distributes the infinite abundance of the Universe, such as OmegaPro. I joined them because I visioned the opportunity to change my financial life forever along with thousands of others and it’s been wonderful seeing this vision come true.
I’m honored to share my background and story and hope it offers a positive guide to others seeking to accomplish their dreams.
From a very young age I traced a path based on excellence, growing up in an environment with limited possibilities, but with a mentality of abundance. With my effort, I managed to graduate with honors from high school, which opened the door for me to obtain a place in medical school.
I have always worked to stand out in my professional activity, so much so that at some point in my life I had up to three jobs at the same time, an activity that I developed with the purpose of having extensive experience that would allow me to continue to grow professionally.
This lifestyle was certainly allowing me to have a successful life by minimal standards, but it was also affecting my other personal spheres


OmegaPro’s Official Strategic Coach Eric Worre’s Holy Grail Tips For Assured Success In Network Marketing

According to an OmegaPro press release:
To master any craft, one needs to find the right skills, adapt to them and master them. The world of Network Marketing is evolving constantly, hence it is imperative to learn the necessary skills to advance quickly and become a champion Network Marketer. 
OmegaPro’s official strategic coach, Eric Worre, is the world’s foremost, most watched and trusted resource for Network Marketing training, whose content has amassed over 5 million viewership every week and authored the International best-selling book “Go Pro – 7 Steps to Becoming a Network Marketing Professional”. 
During his extensive coaching session at OmegaPro’s recently concluded Global Convention Rise event in Panama, Eric Worre gave the 7 indispensable skills required to become a champion network marketer. 
What are the top 7 skills to achieve success in Network Marketing?
1. Finding prospects 
Generally, people think this part is hard. It is a crucial part, of course, but not hard. Instead of approaching only a few people and giving up when they reject the proposal, make a comprehensive list of people – friends, family, acquaintances, etc.
Next, think of all the people these people know – friends, mutual friends, family, etc. Expand the list constantly. Use everything available. Network


Gaston Paredes From Argentina Achieves Black Diamond Rank At OmegaPro

With less than 3 years of experience in the Network Marketing industry and in his first year at OmegaPro, Gaston Paredes has achieved the rank of Black Diamond with an organization of over 15,000 people.
Gaston tells us his story and why he made the decision to create his business within the MLM industry:
“From a very young age, I always knew that I wanted to be a businessman and to be financially independent. The only question was how exactly was I going to achieve it.
I spent many years doing everything society told me. I had to be successful through achieving good grades, obtaining a degree and then finally getting a “good” job. No matter how hard I tried though, I was always broke and stuck in the same situation.
I finally realized that none of the people around me had the life I wanted to have. I wasn’t listening to the right people. This all changed when I was introduced to the MLM industry.”
“Today I’ve been in the industry for three years and my lifestyle has totally changed, and this is only the beginning. This is what I like most about this industry.
Anyone who is willing to make sacrifices,


Jordan Belfort “The Wolf Of Wallstreet” And “The Straight Line System”

Jordan Belfort is an American entrepreneur, speaker, author, former banker and stockbroker that is a household name in the world of motivation and Network Marketing. From being a door-to-door meat and seafood salesman to a celebrated motivational speaker, Belfort has and is living a stellar career.
Taking stage on the Rise LATAM podium with thousands of the OmegaPro family watching live in person and tuning in through digital platforms, the main theme of his speech revolved around the importance of business ethics and learning from past mistakes. Jordan Belfort appealed to OmegaPro with what he calls the “Straight Line System“.
Money is important, but not only money is important:
 Belfort started by saying, “I have been rich and miserable. I have been rich and happy. I have been poor and miserable. But I have NEVER been poor and happy”.
Money is an enabler. He stressed on the importance of getting rich quickly. With the ensuing inflation and the inescapable fact of money losing its value with every passing minute, it is crucial for us to focus, strive and work hard and become financially free, fight mediocrity and be a beacon of life and hope for everyone around us physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Belfort’s Mantra of


Israel Silva From Mexico Achieves Crown Diamond Rank At OmegaPro

OmegaPro is proud to share with the announcement that Israel Silva has achieved the phenomenal rank of Crown Diamond with the company.
Israel Silva had a few words to share on his achievement:
“I’m thankful that God has answered my prayers, in that I’d overcome the trauma that comes with the lack of financial freedom and that I could educate others to do the same.
I suffered bankruptcy and all the general trauma associated with it.
It’s an emotional situation that isn’t easy to overcome. OmegaPro was the answered prayer and this honored achievement is more meaningful than what can be put into words.”
Israel concludes with some advice for those wanting to achieve the same level of success as he:
“The recipe for success is all about belief; you must first believe in yourself, in your company, the product, your team and this industry.
Develop your mind and core skills and just do it. Achieve your goals, no matter what.”
About OmegaPro
With over 1.8 Million members joining the OmegaPro family since its recent inception in 2019 – this revolution of bridging the gap between the traditional and the digital is just getting started!
Driven by the virtue of innovation and an ambition towards unparalleled idiosyncrasy


Jordan Belfort “The Wolf Of Wallstreet” At The OmegaPro Rise Convention

Network Marketing is substantially different and monumentally dynamic for a ‘way of life’ that has been in existence and practice since centuries. It’s more than just another profession for no two days in this business, arrive with a similar set of challenges.
This is the business of the people, at the very root of it – you don’t practice the art of multi level, you live it, you become it – this is the uniquely exclusive paradigm of both business and education at the same time.
Leading the industry at global level with a teeming 1,800,000 champions calling themselves a ‘family’, despite belonging to 170 countries spread across 4 continents speaking a diverse tongue of over 15 languages, OmegaPro has always designed to deliver the best of education to that ‘family’.
Picking the shiniest names and badges that have caused uproars, built and mentored millions in this ever evolving network marketing challenge – OmegaPro’s super trainers are equipped with every potential strategy that one may ever require to turn their lives upside down.
Call them Coaches, call them Mentors, call them Gurus, call them Experts – these are humans with the caliber to create impact. The latest entrant to this list of prodigies was


OmegaPro Convention Attended By 10,000 People

OmegaPro’s recent Global Convention Rise LATAM was held on the grand stage of The Panama Convention Center as Rise.
Following two days of intense training from the best in the business with the likes of Network Marketing Superstar Eric Worre and ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ Jordan Belfort, Rise had a sweet surprise for dessert.
The OmegaPro community was treated to a special appearance from football’s biggest names, a combination of OmegaPro Brand Ambassadors and Hall of Famers lighting it up in Panama.
Not one, not two but eight of the world football’s biggest legends were felicitated on stage. and interacted with the 10,000+ of the OmegaPro Community in attendance.

This included Brazilian superstar and OmegaPro Ambassador Ronaldinho.
Fellow Brazilian and Real Madrid wizard – the merely 21 years old Vinicius Jr. (known as Vini Jr.)
Peruvian great and newly announced Brand Ambassador Jefferson Farfán.
Former Colombian Forward Faustino Asprilla.
Argentinian and Juventus sensation Dybala.
Former Colombian goalie Faryd Mondragon.
German footballer and OmegaPro’s long time Ambassador Kevin Kurayni.
Former Mexican stalwart, besides donning the Ambassador jersey – none other than Ricardo Osorio.

Eric Worre
Whilst interacting with the community, Ronaldinho spotted a specially-abled fan in a wheelchair, in the audience. Without skipping a beat, he along with Osorio, lifted him