Oscar Mendoza From Mexico Achieves Triple Diamond Rank At DECENTRA

Oscar Mendoza boasts over 6 years of experience in network marketing.
It was his mother who introduced him to the industry, and curiously enough, at the beginning, Oscar was trying to dissuade her from doing this business, which he considered a fraud, or just useless at the very least.
“Nevertheless, I started looking into the business model more closely and met some very interesting people who completely changed my opinion about the industry. I suddenly liked it, and my mother was right, I had to admit that.
It took me some time to find the right mentor, and I also made the most common mistake of all, which was having ego and not wanting to change, to really learn.
But eventually, and looking at my results, which I simply didn’t have, I opened my eyes and my mind to the new knowledge.”
Oscar syas that when he joined DECENTRA, he wasn’t doing very well in life, “financially and personally broke”, according to his words. Today, he has already achieved the rank of Triple Diamond and became one of the top earners in the company.
“First of all, I have to say that I’m very grateful to my family and my beautiful team. For me,


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