Nature’s Sunshine Goes Solar

Nature’s Sunshine Products, a leading natural health and wellness company of premium-quality herbal and nutritional products, recently announced that its US manufacturing facility has converted to 100% solar energy to power its operations.
In its inaugural environmental, social and governance report Nature’s Sunshine set a goal to transition its owned manufacturing facilities to 100% renewable energy sources by 2023.

“Nature’s Sunshine’s mission is to share the healing power of nature and, as part of that, caring for the environment is central,”
said Terrence Moorehead, CEO, Nature’s Sunshine.
“Transitioning our manufacturing facility to renewable energy one year ahead of our goal is just one of the sustainability-focused milestones Nature’s Sunshine is implementing as we focus on becoming the supplement company of the future.”

The switch to solar energy is a significant step toward achieving the other goals Nature’s Sunshine outlined in its ESG report, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2025.
Converting the manufacturing facility to renewable sources of energy reduces Nature’s Sunshine’s greenhouse gas emissions by 42%.
“Nature’s Sunshine is committed to engaging in sustainable business practices at every step of our supply chain and we’ve set goals to hold ourselves accountable,”
said Trent McCausland, VP of Global Sustainability and Transparency.
“I am incredibly proud of what


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