OneCoin is Growing Fast – 320 Millionaires in Commission

According to a presentation in August by Kari Wahlroos, OneCoin’s Global Ambassador in London, UK – OneCoin has 320 millionaires in commission and 2,500 millionaires in OneCoin value.
Sources close to the company estimated the monthly sales around $350 – $400 million per month and OneCoin will be rebranded as OneLife network.
120,000+ members, about 8% of the total members, earned Euro 1,000 (approx. $ USA1,100).
OneCoin, announced it will improve usability and market capitalization by increasing the amount of coins available and using a faster and more secure blockchain. These business-savvy changes will be made on October, 2016.
We don’t want to be in the Top 3 anymore. We are now aiming for Number 1. That means we need the biggest market capitalization, usability and highest number of users, and I believe we are already


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