Top CEO Jeff Olson: Goal Setting Matters In Network Marketing!

Jeff Olson is the Founder and CEO of Nerium International, author of the bestselling book, The Slight Edge, and owner of Live Happy magazine.
This is what he had to say about goal setting:
“My advice for the new year is to set your goals — right off the bat”
Goals are the gateway to living your dreams. Why wait? These six principles are essential for successful goal setting:
Write It Down:
Whether your goal is to lose 25 pounds or make $100,000 a year — by writing down your goals you’re saying “no” to unnecessary distractions and “yes” to focusing on what matters most. Setting clear, measurable goals will help you see your way forward. Writing down your goals and posting them where you can see them every day becomes motivation for you to reach the end.
Be Specific:
Just writing down, “I want to lose weight,” is not specific enough — but committing to losing 10 pounds over 30 days gives you a clear and realistic objective to work toward. Clear objectives will also make it easier to see pitfalls in your plan and will help you recognize the right choices from the wrong ones. If my goal is to lose 25 pounds in three months, eating a donut a day may


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