Monthly Archives: December 2015

Rodan + Fields CEO – Lori Bush Will Retire

Rodan & Fields, a leading premium skincare brand and unique technology-driven social enterprise platform, today announced that Lori Bush will be retiring from her position as president and chief executive officer (CEO), effective upon the appointment of her successor.
Ms. Bush will remain a member of Rodan + Fields’ Board of Directors and serve as an advisor to the new CEO to ensure a smooth transition.
“It has been an honor and privilege to be entrusted with the founders’ brand and mission over the past eight years and I couldn’t be more proud of what we’ve built together,” said Ms. Bush. “Our brand and business model is so much about choice, deciding today how tomorrow looks, and I am more than grateful that I am in a position to choose the timing of


Vemma vs FTC – $2 Million in Sales Despite Major Challenges

In Network Marketing “Never Quit” is an often used saying, if one person proves to be King of “Never quit” it is Vemma’s CEO BK Boreyko.
Vemma Nutrition Company and Vemma International Holdings, Inc. (Vemma) has submitted on 15 december a quarterly report to the judge describing Vemma’s business operations over the past three months.
Respect for CEO and Founder BK Boreyko as he stated in the report:
“Vemma believes that it is successfully working through the backlog of issues created by the Receiver’s shutdown of the business, and will be able to operate in a profitable manner.
Although few companies have recovered from an ex parte asset freeze and the appointment of a Receiver, Vemma is proving to be the exception based on customer loyalty and demand for its innovative nutritional products”.
Since Vemma resumed